Every fall my family and friends would go to Crane's Apple Orchard or Cornwell's Turkeyville USA. Later, once I'd moved away for school, I'd go to Uncle John's Cider Mill in St. John's, MI.
(one visit to these places and you'll be ready to move to Michigan!)
Baking with apples can be a lot of work and I can remember wanting an apple peeler-corer-slicer as early as 1995. My mom always supplied me with apple corers - and - frankly - they are dangerous tools.

(examples of dangerous tools - oops - this last one isn't an apple corer - although it looks equally dangerous)
After several near injuries I figured I'd head to Turkeyville, USA to get a "good" one. That one was just as dangerous as the rest.
I'm a patient person (some of the time) and I don't make snap decisions (some of the time), so I found myself in 2007 - yes, 12 years later, making the decision to purchase a Pampered Chef Apple Peeler Corer Slicer. I pulled it out yesterday so I could simply gaze at it in wonder.
I'm downright giddy about trying the thing, so . . . hold your breath and give a drum roll. . . in the next few days I anticipate there will be a different apple corer picture on my blog!
I don't care about the apple corer picture -- I want some cobbler!!! You're such a tease.
So ... Did you try the Pampered Chef Apple Peeler Corer Slicer? How'd it go?
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